- Wykorzystanie bezzałogowych statków powietrznych i modeli matematycznych do monitorowania sytuacji epizootycznej i zwalczania afrykańskiego pomoru świń (ASF), Zycie Weterynaryjne, Rocznik 95 2020 NR 9, 579-584;
- Zarzadzanie sytuacja epizootyczna ASF z pomoca dronov, Lecznica duzych zwierzat MONOGRAFIA, 9 października 2020, 4-8.
The system work for protecting pig farms from ASF is based on a model of the virus circulation in the natural environment, taking into account the mechanisms and factors of the pathogen transmission in the epizootic chain.
The digital solution has been tested at a pig breeding enterprise in the Belgorod region. It has already proven its effectiveness. The software product is also useful for the veterinary services of the regions. It creates epizootic maps and calculates the probability of ASF outbreak using actual situations, as well as modeling the possibility of a virus occurrence on any selected pig farm.